Sunday, November 28, 2010


Okay, so CHEAPEST MOVIES EVER!!! is my blog to share with the world my insane plan to take over the corporate controlled media empire by creating (and teaching everyone else how to create) highly entertaining movies on budgets so incredibly low that only a madman would believe it could be done!

To do this, I am going to make a series of movies which will become available within a few months as digital downloads, online rentals, and direct-to-dvd releases.  I am going to walk you through the process.  I am going to show you how to find actors and actresses (notice I didn't say I would help you find talent).  I am going to discuss the cheapest, fastest, most reliable way to get your vision out there from concept, to completion, to advertising, and finally distribution.  Some of it, we'll learn together.  Some of it, I already know.  I'll be the guinea pig, though, and you'll see if it works or fails.

I really look forward to hearing from people, and maybe even creating a buzz about what we're doing.  I hope you love the concept and stick with us through the journey.  It's going to be WILD!

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